ORGANIZED APRIL 27, 1958 Dallas, Texas
Our Purpose:
To stimulate interest, appreciation and skill
in the decoration of fine porcelain
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress;
working together is success.”
This organization shall be known as The State Federation of Porcelain Art Clubs of Texas.
a. The SFPAC is a Texas non-profit organization, recognized as tax-exempt under
Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
The object of the Organization shall be:
a. To provide opportunity for porcelain artists to obtain additional education through
training opportunities and publications.
b. To promote the affiliation of, and the cooperation among clubs.
Section 1. Any prospective club composed of at least twelve (12) persons wishing to
join the State Federation shall be accepted upon the recommendation of the Membership
Chairperson and two (2) member clubs and upon receipt of dues.
Section 2. Federated clubs whose membership falls below twelve (12) members
do not forfeit their Federation affiliation.
The monies of the Federation shall be acquired through assessments per club.
Annual dues shall be $25.00 per capita including honorary and junior members. All
foreign membership annual state dues shall be $35.00 per capita.
The fiscal year of the Federation shall be from May 1st through April 30th.
Section 1. The elective officers shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Recording
Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a Historian, and an Auditor.
Section 2. The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President.
Section 3. A nominating committee of five members shall be elected by the
voting members at each convention by ballot. The five nominees receiving the highest
plurality shall be elected. They shall present candidates for office. The Corresponding
Secretary shall notify the member clubs of these names at least sixty (60) days in
advance of the convention. No member of the nominating committee shall serve on
the nominating committee two (2) consecutive years. If the nominating committee is
unable to secure a candidate for an office sixty (60) days in advance of convention, it
should be communicated to the board and all member clubs. The vacancy may be filled
with a nomination from the floor at the annual business meeting or allow a member to
volunteer for the office, either option requiring the approval of the voting members of
the convention. No officer should be nominated without his or her consent.
Section 4. The officers shall be elected and installed during the convention. They
shall serve one (1) year and may be re-elected to the same office for one additional
year if nominated.
Section 1. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Federation, Board
of Directors, shall countersign all checks issued by the Treasurer, shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, shall, with the approval of
the Board, appoint chairpersons of standing committees, and shall perform any other
duties incident to the office.
Section 2. The President-Elect shall assist the President and perform the duties of
the President, including the countersigning of checks, in his or her absence. He or she
shall be chairperson of the Extension and Membership Committee. The President-Elect
shall be responsible for the purchase of gifts for the outgoing President and the Editor of
the P.A.C. The President-Elect shall automatically become President the following year.
Section 3. The Recording Secretary shall keep a permanent record of the
proceedings of the Federation and the Board of Directors in a book provided for
that purpose. He or she shall have custody of all books and papers belonging to the
Federation, except those specifically assigned to other officers.
Section 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct correspondence of the
Federation as authorized by the President or the Board of Directors. He or she shall
send a copy of the minutes of each board meeting to each member club within thirty
(30) days after the meeting.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall collect all dues, keep an accurate account of
all monies received and disburse and shall disburse no money except that which is
authorized by the Board of Directors and countersigned by the President. The Treasurer
shall maintain separate itemized accounting of the general fund and the convention
fund and shall present separate reports of each fund at each board meeting, and for
publication in the first issue of the year in the PAC magazine, and other such times as
may be ordered by the Board of Directors. All unpaid bills for the calendar year must be
submitted to the outgoing Treasurer fifteen (15) days following installation. The transfer
of all monies shall be made by June 1st following installation, and the books shall be
transferred to the Auditor by June 1st following installation. The audited books shall be
transferred to the accountant by July 1st for filing of IRS forms and permanent housing.
The accountant shall be retained by and paid by the federation. The Treasurer shall be
chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee.
Section 6. The Historian shall keep a continuing account of the history of the
Federation during his or her term of office and present it at the convention to the retiring
Section 7. The Parliamentarian shall attend all meetings of the Federation and
Board of Directors, and shall interpret parliamentary procedures when called upon.
Section 8. The Auditor shall audit the Treasurer’s accounts at the close of the
fiscal year. The audit should be completed for transfer to the accountant by July 1st.
Section 1. An annual convention shall be held before the fiscal year end, April
30. The place shall be determined by a Special Committee composed of the five (5)
immediate Past Presidents of the organization who are willing to serve. The members
of this committee who are present at convention shall meet and elect the Chairperson.
Convention sites shall be selected at least two (2) years in advance. Invitation presented
by members shall be placed with the committee.
Section 2. The voting members of the convention shall be:
a. Members of the Board of Directors, chairpersons of standing committees and
chairpersons of convention committees, and the President, or alternate, of each club, plus.
b. Two (2) accredited delegates from each club having twelve (12) members, and
one (1) additional delegate for each additional twelve (12) members or major fraction
Section 3. The annual convention shall be the governing body of the State Federation
and shall be open to all member clubs.
Section 4. The members present at any properly announced annual general
meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5. The convention shall be self-sustaining.
Section 6. Admission to all convention activities with the exception of the porcelain
exhibit and booth holder area shall be by State Federation PAC Identification Badge
issued through registration of members, non-members, commercial booth holders and
by day visitors. Registered members or non-members may purchase with their packet
additional luncheon and/or banquet tickets for non-federation members or guests.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of all elected and appointed officers,
the chairpersons of standing committees, the chairpersons of all convention committees
and the Presidents, or an alternate, of each club.
Section 2. The Board shall meet four (4) times a year, immediately preceding and
at the close of each convention with two (2) meetings in between to be called by the
President. The place and date of the board meetings shall be designated in the yearbook.
Section 3. The Board shall have general supervision of the business of the
Federation between conventions.
Section 4. The Board shall fill vacancies in the board occurring between elections.
Section 5. The Board shall authorize the spending of monies of the Federation.
Non-budgeted and over-budgeted expenses shall be submitted to the Board of Directors
for approval prior to such expenses being incurred.
Section 6. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the board shall constitute a quorum, four
(4) of whom shall be officers .
Section 1. There shall be six (6) standing committees.
a. Extension and Membership
b. Bylaws
c. Budget and Finance
d. Yearbook
e. Editor of P.A.C.
f. Courtesy
Section 2. The number of committees and the method of appointing each shall
be determined by the Board of Directors. Voting within the committee may be by mail.
Section 3. The duties of each committee shall be as follows:
a. The Extension and Membership Committee shall promote membership in the
State Federation.
b. The Bylaws Committee shall prepare proposed amendments and/or revision of
the bylaws upon recommendation of the Board of Directors or at the written request of
any two member clubs. It shall cause copies to be sent to clubs forty-five (45) days in
advance of the convention, at which time they shall be read and acted upon.
c. The Budget and Finance Committee shall draw up a budget for the fiscal year
to be approved by the Board of Directors.
d. The Yearbook Committee shall have printed a suitable yearbook for the use
of all clubs. This book shall contain a complete roster of the affiliated clubs and their
members, and any information considered pertinent to the welfare and growth of the
Federation, as decided upon by the Board of Directors. This book shall be financed by
the Federation. June 1st shall be the deadline for inputs for the yearbook information.
e. The Editor of PAC shall publish newsletters each year at regular intervals decided
by the Board. The Editor of PAC will receive news from the publicity chairperson of each
club only. The PAC will contain news concerning members of the Federation. News
items must be pertinent to club activities, helpful hints, designs and items of state-wide
interest. The PAC shall also contain information which educates porcelain artists with
photographs, drawings, and art lessons.
f. The Courtesy Committee shall extend all courtesies which are the pleasure of
the convention.
The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern
this organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not
inconsistent with the bylaws of the Federation.
The bylaws may be amended or revised by two-thirds vote of the eligible delegates,
in convention gathered, provided each club is informed in writing of the proposed
amendments or revision at least forty-five (45) days before the convention.
1. Any member of a federated club is invited to come to the convention as a nonvoting
representative of their club.
2. An annual Seminar for the instruction of new officers will be conducted by the
outgoing officers during the Convention for the incoming officers of the State Federation
and individual clubs.
3. The Annual Business Meeting will be held at each convention.
4. The Federation shall arrange for a noted guest artist for each convention.
5. *Members may transfer from one club to another without paying additional state
dues, but must pay dues to the new club.
6. The price of P.A.C. shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) to non-members.
7. The Federation shall develop and distribute a recommended planning guide
which shall be updated at least every five years and which shall be distributed to each
club. This guide shall be passed from club president to president until a new guide is
sent from the Federation.
8. The newly elected nominating committee shall be announced at the end of the
general business meeting so that a meeting of this committee can be called at convention
to begin the search for candidates for office for the next year.
9. The Hall of Honor committee will recognize two members each club year. One
will be the Honored Artist and the other will be the Honored Member. Both categories
will be open for nominations from individuals or clubs. Nominees will be judged only
on the criteria listed and there will be one person for each honor, each year. If several
nominate a person, each entry must be signed with individual signatures for nominee.
The honorees will be selected by Hall of Honor chairperson along with the help of two
others appointed by the President. Nominees will be chosen by qualifications not by
number of votes.
a. Qualifications for Honored Artist – This member: (1) has served as an officer,
committee member or otherwise worked for SFPAC; (2) must have participated
in meetings, exhibits and club functions; (3) must have taught for 10 years and
has contributed to the State Federation; (4) has promoted china painting through
competition, art events and participation in exhibits, published works by teaching
or otherwise made people aware of our art; and (5) has continued and advanced
their own knowledge through taking seminars and lessons, and/or attending
conventions and demonstrations.
b. Qualifications for Honored Member – This member: (1) must have held an
office or been a committee chairperson or served on a committee of the SFPAC
of Texas; (2) must actively participate in club activities, exhibits and assist its
members on a regular basis; (3) contributes in making the annual convention a
successful event for all members; and (4) has done any of the above in some
capacity for at least 10 years.
10. Federated clubs who wish to disband are required (under non-profit organization
regulations) to liquidate their treasury by exhausting all funds through an education
seminar or workshop, transferring their monies to the State Federation or another active
Federated club upon dissolution of the member club.
The disbanding club must send a letter stating which option they are choosing from
the suggestions listed above to the current Federation President, Treasurer, Recording
Secretary and the Federation Tax Preparer before April 30th of any Federation year.
*If a member transfers from one club to another and drops his or her membership
in the first club, he or she then is a “transfer”.
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